“Languages and States in Generative Phonology”
“Languages and States in Generative Phonology”
dilluns 26-01-2015/12:00
Sala de Professors, 5è pis de l’Aulari Josep Carner, Facultat de Filologia, Universitat de Barcelona
Maria-Rosa Lloret i Grup d’Estudi de la Variació Dialectal, projecte FFI2013-46987-C3-1-P
Conferència a càrrec de Paul DE LACY (Rutgers University).
This talk is about the concept of a ‘language’, and how it relates to research in Generative phonology. I will discuss how and whether language descriptions can be adapted for use as evidence for Generative theories, with examples from Maori, American English, Chukchi, and others.