Call for papers

The IV International Congress of Clinical Linguistics consists of plenary lectures, workshops (symposia), posters and oral communications.

Submission of proposals

  • Symposium and workshops
    Deadline for receipt of proposals: May 15, 2015.
    Acceptance of proposals: 17 July 2015.
    The proposal for a symposium or workshop must include a title and a description (500 words maximum) justifying the interest and the actuality of the proposal. It’s necessary to indicate the following:
    - Name, affiliation and e-mail address of the person organizing.
    - Name, affiliation and e-mail address of persons involved (indicating the provisional title of the presentation of each participant).
    The proposals should be written in accordance with the rules of publication and should be sent in format .doc or .pdf to
    The proposal will be assessed by the Scientific Committee and a response will be sent before the 15th of July.
  • Individual presentations and posters 
    Deadline for receipt of proposals: 19 June 2015. Deadline extended until July 13.
    Acceptance of proposals: 24 July 2015.
    The proposal must include the objectives and results of the work presented (maximum: 300 words). We recommend that you write the proposal in the form of summary or abstract: introduction, objectives, method, results, conclusions
    The proposals should be written in accordance with the rules of publication and should be sent in format .doc or .pdf to
    The proposal will be assessed by the Scientific Committee and a response will be sent before the 1st of July.
    It is necessary to indicate the area in which you present your proposal in accordance with the five following areas: aphasia (alexia, agraphia), Dementia, Children, Logopedics-treatment, Genetics.